Monday, September 1, 2008

Jolt Energy Drinks

Jolt Power Cola

Price: $2.99 Serving Size: 7.83oz. Servings Per Container: 3.0
Calories: 100 Carbohydrates: 26g Sodium: 5mg
Editor Rating: 9 of 10
User Rating: 7.15 of 10 with 76 reviews

Active Ingredients:
It's notable that this can contains 75g of sugar, which is roughly enough to put a dent in the annual Cuban sugar cane production. At 100 calories per serving though, Power Cola is actually 20 calories less per serving than Jolt Blue. Power Cola is also very low in sodium (5mg per serving). As the can states on the side, clearly Jolt Power Cola contains unspecified amounts of taurine, guarana, and ginseng, as well as 60% of the USRDA of Vitamin B6, and even 1g of protein.

Jolt Ultra

Price: $2.99 Serving Size: 7.83oz. Servings Per Container: 3.0
Calories: 0 Carbohydrates: 0g Sodium: 30mg
Editor Rating: 5.5 of 10
User Rating: 6.32 of 10 with 54 reviews

Active Ingredients:
Taurine, Guarana, Ginseng, and Vitamin B complex

Jolt Blue Energy

Price: $2.99 Serving Size: 7.83oz. Servings Per Container: 3.0
Calories: 120 Carbohydrates: 32g Sodium: 50mg
Editor Rating: 9.5 of 10
User Rating: 7.61 of 10 with 251 reviews

Active Ingredients:
Taurine, Caffeine, Guarana, Ginseng, Vitamin B, lots of carbs

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