Monday, September 1, 2008

Monster Energy Drinks

Java Monster Tea Energy Chai Hai

Price: $2.29 Serving Size: 7.50oz. Servings Per Container: 2.0
Calories: 90 Carbohydrates: 14g Sodium: 260mg
Editor Rating: 9.5 of 10
User Rating: 6.46 of 10 with 20 reviews

Active Ingredients:
Of course, this contains the obligatory "2.5g Monster Energy blend" (Caffeine, Guarana, Inositol, Maltodextrin, and some other stuff). Also, the following mg/% of USRDA (whichever are available on the can) of the following: Calsium 152mg/ 15%, Vitamin A 80IU/2%, Vitamin C 30mg/50%, Vitamin D 30IU/8%, Potassium 125mg/4%, Vitamin B2 1.7mg/100%, Vitamin B3 20mg/100%, Vitamin B6 2mg/100%, Vitamin B12 6mcg/100%, Phosphorus 100mg/10%, Taurine 1g, Panax Ginseng 200mg.

Monster Mixxd Energy Juice

Price: $1.99 Serving Size: 8.00oz. Servings Per Container: 2.0
Calories: 110 Carbohydrates: 27g Sodium: 10mg
Editor Rating: 4 of 10
User Rating: 6.43 of 10 with 141 reviews

Active Ingredients:
30% Juices, 27g of sugar per serving and the following g/percentage of daily allowance per serving: B2 1.7g, B3 20g/100%, B6 2mg/100%, B12 6mcg/100%, Calcium 20mg/100%, taurine 1g/less than 1% (I think this is the first time I've seen a recommended daily allowance for taurine), panax ginseng 200mg, "energy blend" 2500mg (claims to contain unspecified amounts of glucose, caffeine, guarana, l-carnitine, glucuronolactone, inositol, maltodextrin). 100% of daily allowance of calcium, impressive.

Java Monster Coffee Energy Lo-Ball

Price: $1.99 Serving Size: 7.50oz. Servings Per Container: 2.0
Calories: 50 Carbohydrates: 6g Sodium: 230mg
Editor Rating: 9.5 of 10
User Rating: 7.95 of 10 with 110 reviews

Active Ingredients:
Here's the breakdown of mg and/or % of daily allowance per serving: Calcium 90mg/10%, Vitamin C 30mg/50%, Vitamin D IU (international units, not sure why they measured it in that standard)/5%, Potassium 60mg/2%, B2 1.7mg/100%, B3 20mg/100%, B6 2mg/100%, B12 6mcg/100%, Phosphorus 60mg/5%, Taurine 1g, Panax Ginseng 200mg. Otherwise undisclosed amounts of L-Carnitine, Glucose, Caffeine, Guarana, Inositol, Glucuronolactone, Maltodextrin.

Java Monster Coffee Energy Big Black

Price: $2.19 Serving Size: 7.50oz. Servings Per Container: 2.0
Calories: 100 Carbohydrates: 17g Sodium: 350mg
Editor Rating: 9 of 10
User Rating: 7.07 of 10 with 43 reviews

Active Ingredients:
You guessed it, check out Java Monster Coffee Energy Mean Bean.

Java Monster Coffee Energy Loca Moca

Price: $2.19 Serving Size: 7.50oz. Servings Per Container: 2.0
Calories: 100 Carbohydrates: 17g Sodium: 350mg
Editor Rating: 8.5 of 10
User Rating: 7.18 of 10 with 124 reviews

Active Ingredients:
More parallels with the other Java Monster drinks here. The following percentages are Recommended Daily Value Per Serving. Calcium 20%, Vitamin A 2%, Vitamin C 50%, Vitamin D 10%, Potassium 6%, Riboflavin 100%, Niacin 100%, B6 100%, B12 100%, Phosphorus 10%. The rest of the stats are in mg Per Serving, Taurine 1000mg, Panax Ginseng 200mg. Also contains undisclosed amounts of L-Carnitine, Glucose, Caffeine, Guarana, Inositol, Maltodextrin, Glucuronolactone (purported to fight fatigue and provide a sense of well-being, per Wikipedia).

Java Monster Coffee Energy Mean Bean

Price: $2.79 Serving Size: 7.50oz. Servings Per Container: 2.0
Calories: 100 Carbohydrates: 17g Sodium: 350mg
Editor Rating: 7 of 10
User Rating: 7.49 of 10 with 181 reviews

Active Ingredients:
The following percentages are Recommended Daily Value Per Serving. Calcium (is that active, I'm not sure, but it's here) 20%, Vitamin A 2%, Vitamin C 50%, Vitamin D 10%, Potassium 6%, Riboflavin 100%, Niacin 100%, B6 100%, B12 100%, Phosphorus 10%. The rest of the stats are in mg Per Serving, Taurine 1000mg, Panax Ginseng 200mg. Also contains undisclosed amounts of L-Carnitine, Glucose, Caffeine, Guarana, Inositol, Maltodextrin, Glucuronolactone (purported to fight fatigue and provide a sense of well-being, per Wikipedia).

Monster Assault

Price: $1.99 Serving Size: 8.00oz. Servings Per Container: 2.0
Calories: 100 Carbohydrates: 27g Sodium: 180mg
Editor Rating: 4 of 10
User Rating: 7.59 of 10 with 268 reviews

Active Ingredients:
2000mg taurine, 400mg ginseng, and 5000mg of their energy blend which consists of glucose, caffeine, l-carnitine, inositol, and malodextrin.

Monster Khaos Energy Juice

Price: $1.99 Serving Size: 8.00oz. Servings Per Container: 2.0
Calories: 90 Carbohydrates: 21g Sodium: 15mg
Editor Rating: 5.5 of 10
User Rating: 7.55 of 10 with 502 reviews

Active Ingredients:
2000mg taurine, 400mg ginseng, and 2500mg of their energy blend which consists of glucose, caffeine, l-carnitine, inositol, and malodextrin.

Monster Energy Lo-Carb

Price: $1.99 Serving Size: 8.00oz. Servings Per Container: 2.0
Calories: 10 Carbohydrates: 3g Sodium: 180mg
Editor Rating: 8.5 of 10
User Rating: 7.21 of 10 with 639 reviews

Active Ingredients:
Energy Blend 5000 mg, Taurine 2000 mg, and tons of B vitamins

Monster Energy XXL

Price: $2.99 Serving Size: 7.83oz. Servings Per Container: 3.0
Calories: 100 Carbohydrates: 27g Sodium: 180mg
Editor Rating: 9.5 of 10
User Rating: 8.09 of 10 with 258 reviews

Active Ingredients:
Per serving it contains the same as the 16oz Monster but just for the fun, this can contains 3000mg taurine, 600mg ginseng, 7500mg energy blend - caffeine, guarana, l-carnitine, and inositol.

Liquid Ice Energy Drinks

Liquid Ice Sugar Free

Price: $1.99 Serving Size: 8.30oz. Servings Per Container: 1.0
Calories: 15 Carbohydrates: 0g Sodium: 35mg
Editor Rating: 6 of 10
User Rating: 3.64 of 10 with 36 reviews

Active Ingredients:
This little can is packed with 1000mg of taurine, 80mg of caffeine, 47mg of inositol, 5mg of ubiquinone, and lots of B vitamins. Ubiquinone (CoQ10) is a naturally occurring co-enzyme which helps generate chemical and electrical energy from the foods we eat. Natural production of CoQ10 is limited by its complexity and deficiencies are very common. The American Journal of Cardiology reported that CoQ10 increases exercise tolerance and revitalizes the immune system. A 75% deficiency of CoQ10 in the heart cells can cause the heart to stop functioning. The recommended daily supplement is 15-50mg per day.

Liquid Ice Energy Drink

Price: $1.99 Serving Size: 8.30oz. Servings Per Container: 1.0
Calories: 130 Carbohydrates: 32g Sodium: 200mg
Editor Rating: 7.5 of 10
User Rating: 7.40 of 10 with 99 reviews

Active Ingredients:
This little can is packed with 1000mg of taurine, 80mg of caffeine, 47mg of inositol, 5mg of ubiquinone, and lots of B vitamins.

Liquid Ice Energy Drinks

Liquid Ice Sugar Free

Price: $1.99 Serving Size: 8.30oz. Servings Per Container: 1.0
Calories: 15 Carbohydrates: 0g Sodium: 35mg
Editor Rating: 6 of 10
User Rating: 3.64 of 10 with 36 reviews

Active Ingredients:
This little can is packed with 1000mg of taurine, 80mg of caffeine, 47mg of inositol, 5mg of ubiquinone, and lots of B vitamins. Ubiquinone (CoQ10) is a naturally occurring co-enzyme which helps generate chemical and electrical energy from the foods we eat. Natural production of CoQ10 is limited by its complexity and deficiencies are very common. The American Journal of Cardiology reported that CoQ10 increases exercise tolerance and revitalizes the immune system. A 75% deficiency of CoQ10 in the heart cells can cause the heart to stop functioning. The recommended daily supplement is 15-50mg per day.

Liquid Ice Energy Drink

Price: $1.99 Serving Size: 8.30oz. Servings Per Container: 1.0
Calories: 130 Carbohydrates: 32g Sodium: 200mg
Editor Rating: 7.5 of 10
User Rating: 7.40 of 10 with 99 reviews

Active Ingredients:
This little can is packed with 1000mg of taurine, 80mg of caffeine, 47mg of inositol, 5mg of ubiquinone, and lots of B vitamins.