Java Monster Tea Energy Chai Hai
Price: $2.29 Serving Size: 7.50oz. Servings Per Container: 2.0
Calories: 90 Carbohydrates: 14g Sodium: 260mg
Editor Rating: 9.5 of 10
User Rating: 6.46 of 10 with 20 reviews
Active Ingredients:
Of course, this contains the obligatory "2.5g Monster Energy blend" (Caffeine, Guarana, Inositol, Maltodextrin, and some other stuff). Also, the following mg/% of USRDA (whichever are available on the can) of the following: Calsium 152mg/ 15%, Vitamin A 80IU/2%, Vitamin C 30mg/50%, Vitamin D 30IU/8%, Potassium 125mg/4%, Vitamin B2 1.7mg/100%, Vitamin B3 20mg/100%, Vitamin B6 2mg/100%, Vitamin B12 6mcg/100%, Phosphorus 100mg/10%, Taurine 1g, Panax Ginseng 200mg.
Monster Mixxd Energy Juice
Price: $1.99 Serving Size: 8.00oz. Servings Per Container: 2.0
Calories: 110 Carbohydrates: 27g Sodium: 10mg
Editor Rating: 4 of 10
User Rating: 6.43 of 10 with 141 reviews
Active Ingredients:
30% Juices, 27g of sugar per serving and the following g/percentage of daily allowance per serving: B2 1.7g, B3 20g/100%, B6 2mg/100%, B12 6mcg/100%, Calcium 20mg/100%, taurine 1g/less than 1% (I think this is the first time I've seen a recommended daily allowance for taurine), panax ginseng 200mg, "energy blend" 2500mg (claims to contain unspecified amounts of glucose, caffeine, guarana, l-carnitine, glucuronolactone, inositol, maltodextrin). 100% of daily allowance of calcium, impressive.
Java Monster Coffee Energy Lo-Ball
Price: $1.99 Serving Size: 7.50oz. Servings Per Container: 2.0
Calories: 50 Carbohydrates: 6g Sodium: 230mg
Editor Rating: 9.5 of 10
User Rating: 7.95 of 10 with 110 reviews
Active Ingredients:
Here's the breakdown of mg and/or % of daily allowance per serving: Calcium 90mg/10%, Vitamin C 30mg/50%, Vitamin D IU (international units, not sure why they measured it in that standard)/5%, Potassium 60mg/2%, B2 1.7mg/100%, B3 20mg/100%, B6 2mg/100%, B12 6mcg/100%, Phosphorus 60mg/5%, Taurine 1g, Panax Ginseng 200mg. Otherwise undisclosed amounts of L-Carnitine, Glucose, Caffeine, Guarana, Inositol, Glucuronolactone, Maltodextrin.
Java Monster Coffee Energy Big Black
Price: $2.19 Serving Size: 7.50oz. Servings Per Container: 2.0
Calories: 100 Carbohydrates: 17g Sodium: 350mg
Editor Rating: 9 of 10
User Rating: 7.07 of 10 with 43 reviews
Active Ingredients:
You guessed it, check out Java Monster Coffee Energy Mean Bean.
Java Monster Coffee Energy Loca Moca
Price: $2.19 Serving Size: 7.50oz. Servings Per Container: 2.0
Calories: 100 Carbohydrates: 17g Sodium: 350mg
Editor Rating: 8.5 of 10
User Rating: 7.18 of 10 with 124 reviews
Active Ingredients:
More parallels with the other Java Monster drinks here. The following percentages are Recommended Daily Value Per Serving. Calcium 20%, Vitamin A 2%, Vitamin C 50%, Vitamin D 10%, Potassium 6%, Riboflavin 100%, Niacin 100%, B6 100%, B12 100%, Phosphorus 10%. The rest of the stats are in mg Per Serving, Taurine 1000mg, Panax Ginseng 200mg. Also contains undisclosed amounts of L-Carnitine, Glucose, Caffeine, Guarana, Inositol, Maltodextrin, Glucuronolactone (purported to fight fatigue and provide a sense of well-being, per Wikipedia).
Java Monster Coffee Energy Mean Bean
Price: $2.79 Serving Size: 7.50oz. Servings Per Container: 2.0
Calories: 100 Carbohydrates: 17g Sodium: 350mg
Editor Rating: 7 of 10
User Rating: 7.49 of 10 with 181 reviews
Active Ingredients:
The following percentages are Recommended Daily Value Per Serving. Calcium (is that active, I'm not sure, but it's here) 20%, Vitamin A 2%, Vitamin C 50%, Vitamin D 10%, Potassium 6%, Riboflavin 100%, Niacin 100%, B6 100%, B12 100%, Phosphorus 10%. The rest of the stats are in mg Per Serving, Taurine 1000mg, Panax Ginseng 200mg. Also contains undisclosed amounts of L-Carnitine, Glucose, Caffeine, Guarana, Inositol, Maltodextrin, Glucuronolactone (purported to fight fatigue and provide a sense of well-being, per Wikipedia).
Monster Assault
Price: $1.99 Serving Size: 8.00oz. Servings Per Container: 2.0
Calories: 100 Carbohydrates: 27g Sodium: 180mg
Editor Rating: 4 of 10
User Rating: 7.59 of 10 with 268 reviews
Active Ingredients:
2000mg taurine, 400mg ginseng, and 5000mg of their energy blend which consists of glucose, caffeine, l-carnitine, inositol, and malodextrin.
Monster Khaos Energy Juice
Price: $1.99 Serving Size: 8.00oz. Servings Per Container: 2.0
Calories: 90 Carbohydrates: 21g Sodium: 15mg
Editor Rating: 5.5 of 10
User Rating: 7.55 of 10 with 502 reviews
Active Ingredients:
2000mg taurine, 400mg ginseng, and 2500mg of their energy blend which consists of glucose, caffeine, l-carnitine, inositol, and malodextrin.
Monster Energy Lo-Carb
Price: $1.99 Serving Size: 8.00oz. Servings Per Container: 2.0
Calories: 10 Carbohydrates: 3g Sodium: 180mg
Editor Rating: 8.5 of 10
User Rating: 7.21 of 10 with 639 reviews
Active Ingredients:
Energy Blend 5000 mg, Taurine 2000 mg, and tons of B vitamins
Monster Energy XXL
Price: $2.99 Serving Size: 7.83oz. Servings Per Container: 3.0
Calories: 100 Carbohydrates: 27g Sodium: 180mg
Editor Rating: 9.5 of 10
User Rating: 8.09 of 10 with 258 reviews
Active Ingredients:
Per serving it contains the same as the 16oz Monster but just for the fun, this can contains 3000mg taurine, 600mg ginseng, 7500mg energy blend - caffeine, guarana, l-carnitine, and inositol.